Chakra Fundamentals

7th Chakra — top of head, element: thought/will
6th Chakra — center of forehead, element: light
5th Chakra — throat, element: akasha/ether
4th Chakra — center of chest, element: air
3rd Chakra — above the navel, element: fire
2nd Chakra — lower abdomen, element: water
1st Chakra — 
base of spine, element: earth

The soles of the feet and the palms of the hands are also powerful energy centers.
CHAKRA, PURPOSE, + and - as follows …


Vitalizes the upper brain (cerebrum).

Unification of the Higher Self with the human personality. Oneness with the Infinite. Spiritual will, inspiration, unity, divine wisdom and  understanding.  Idealism, selfless  service Perception  beyond space and time.  Continuity of consciousness.

Lack of inspiration, confusion, depression, alienation, hesitation to serve, senility.


Vitalizes the lower brain (cerebellum) and central nervous system.

Soul realization, intuition,  insight, imagination. Clairvoyance, concentration, peace of  mind.
Wisdom, devotion, perception beyond  duality.

Lack of concentration,  fear, cynicism, tension. Headaches, eye problems, bad dreams. Overly detached view  of the world.


Speech, sound, vibration, communication.

Power of the spoken word. True communication. Creative expression in speech, writing and the arts.  Integration, peace, truth, knowledge, wisdom, loyalty, honesty, reliability, gentleness, kindness.

Communication and/or  speech problems. Knowledge used unwisely, ignorance, lack of 

discernment.  Depression, thyroid  problems.


Anchors the life force from the Higher Self.

Energizes the blood and physical body with the life-force. Blood circulation. Divine/unconditional  love. Forgiveness, compassion, understanding, balance, group consciousness, oneness with life. Acceptance, peace, openness, harmony, contentment.

Repression of love, emotional instability, out of balance. Heart problems, circulation problems.


Vitalizes the sympathetic nervous system. Digestive processes, metabolism, and emotions.

Will, personal power, authority, energy,  mastery of desire, self  control. Radiance, warmth, awakening,  transformation, humor, laughter, immortality.

Taking in more than one can assimilate and utilize. Too much emphasis on power and/or recognition. Anger, fear, hate. Digestive problems.


Procreation, assimilation of food, physical force and vitality, sexuality.

Giving and receiving emotions, desire, pleasure, sexual/passionate love, change, movement, assimilation of new ideas. Health, family, tolerance, surrender.

Overindulgence in food or sex. Sexual  difficulties. Confusion,  purposelessness.  

Jealousy, envy, desire  to possess. Impotence,  uterine and/or bladder  problems.


Vitality to the physical body. Life-force, survival, self-preservation, instincts.

Matter relating to the material world, success, the physical body, mastery of the body. Grounding, individuality, stability, security, stillness, health, courage, patience.

Self-centered,  insecurity, violence,  greed, anger. Overly concerned with one’s physical survival. Tension in the spine, constipation.